The Observatory Legacy of Jeroen Arians
(original in Dutch) -
Uit interesse geregistreerd!
edition 10
the Netherlands
After street photographer Garry Winogrand died, approximately 432,000 photos were found which had never been seen by the man himself. This intrigued me:
who decides on my photographic legacy? And: are all photos equally important after they were taken?
Whenever I go out, I carry a camera, helps me document interesting settings and locations. Once a film is full, I don't necessarily develop it, thinking I've already seen it. Is there any value in seeing it again? These films are shelved, waiting to be found or lost forever. Every time I come across one, I think about the death of Garry Winogrand and his undeveloped films. What should I do with mine? I offer these undeveloped films for others to buy, thus transferring all rights and responsibilities about their destination.
This sealed envelope contains one of my undeveloped films. As soon as the envelope is opened, the work inside is no longer in its original condition. This means that the work can no longer be seen as mine.
The Observatory Legacy of Jeroen Arians
(original in Dutch) -
Uit interesse geregistreerd!
edition 10
the Netherlands
After street photographer Garry Winogrand died, approximately 432,000 photos were found which had never been seen by the man himself. This intrigued me:
who decides on my photographic legacy? And: are all photos equally important after they were taken?
Whenever I go out, I carry a camera, helps me document interesting settings and locations. Once a film is full, I don't necessarily develop it, thinking I've already seen it. Is there any value in seeing it again? These films are shelved, waiting to be found or lost forever. Every time I come across one, I think about the death of Garry Winogrand and his undeveloped films. What should I do with mine? I offer these undeveloped films for others to buy, thus transferring all rights and responsibilities about their destination.
This sealed envelope contains one of my undeveloped films. As soon as the envelope is opened, the work inside is no longer in its original condition. This means that the work can no longer be seen as mine.
© 2025 Jeroen Arians